About Me
I am Ani, a Certified Professional Cuddle Therapist with 3 years' experience in London. I was trained there by Nordic Cuddle, which was Britain's leading cuddle therapy provider before the pandemic.
I always appreciated the wonders and calming effects of cuddling in my previous profession as a nanny when giving hugs to children in my care, especially when they felt upset for whatever reason.
I became a professional cuddler because I saw the need so many people have for close human contact, someone to listen to them without judgment, and make them realize that they matter.
I went on my own healing journey recovering from a difficult childhood and an abusive relationship as an adult. So I really empathise with others' experience of life's struggles. My experiences made me stronger and my life is all the richer for it. Working through my own challenges helps me relate to the challenges others go through, whether physical, emotional or mental.
Everyone deserves affection, touch and acceptance, and for me there are no exceptions for that. I offer a safe space for you to be you, in your most authentic and comfortable way. Join me and dive into an experience, which will leave you feeling deeply relaxed and more at peace than you’ve ever been.
As a trained cuddle therapist I am DBS checked for peace of mind, and will leave you feeling rejuvenated in mind, body and soul.